Monday, 28 August 2017

Chasing the Clouds Away.

Dear All,
A clouded heart or nabhi chakra could be the underlying reason why certain things may not be panning out at the moment in life, in the way we'd wish. What can you do about it?

Somebody suggested that their experience at a previous sahaja yoga meditation retreat was like taking your clothes to the laundry for drycleaning - everything comes out fresh, crisp and clean at the end.

This could be because of the cleansing effect on the aura of the kundalini in the group meditations.

There's more to you than meets the eye and you can learn all about it.

If you reported a problem last week with submitting your online registration form for the free* 1-day sahaja yoga meditation retreat on Saturday 9th Sept., it should be OK. Click here to try again.

See you at group meditation tomorrow.

Monday, 14 August 2017

What this simple self-head massage can do for you.

Dear All,

Achieving the full opening out of sahasrara chakra at the top of your head should be one of the goals of your regular meditation.


Because not only has the sahasrara been described in ancient yogic text as 'sudha sagara' - 'nectar ocean of bliss' or the place of your 'heaven on earth',  but because medically, it represents the root of the nervous system and anything wrong in the body can be more effectively corrected there. The 'pittas' or roots of the chakras lie on the mid-section of the brain in a region called the Corpus Callosum. See picture shown below:

In traditional Indian medicine, Ayurveda, there's a treatment called Shirodhara, which is a soothing head massage with a stream of warm medicated oil, as in the photo at top.

According to an Ayurveda website*:
"Shirodhara is a great treatment for a compromised nervous system. Shirodharacan help relieve symptoms of anxiety, stress, fatigue and hypertension. It relieves tension, worry, fear and headache as well as depression. It regulates mood and gives feelings of pleasure and relaxation".

But you'd probably have to travel all the way to Kerala in South India for an authentic experience of this. However, you can gain the same benefit by spending 5 minutes doing a simple self-head massage with the fingers on the chakra locations on the head. Here's how to do it - click here.

When the massage is done with some coconut oil, deep into the scalp, you'll notice the effect straightaway as an increased ability to feel vibes in the sahasrara, which may last for sometime after you've finished your meditation.

The better the state of the sahasrara, the easier it is to get into 'thoughtless awareness' in your meditation and the better your connection. That's when you really start experiencing the transformative magic of sahaja yoga.

See you at group meditation tomorrow.



Monday, 7 August 2017

Run a lunchtime meditation session in your workplace + 3-day meditation 'bootcamp' -sort of.

Dear All,
If you are meditating regularly at home and can feel the 'cool breeze' of your kundalini on top of your head and your hands, then why not help your stressed-out workmates experience a little of the peace of mental silence by leading them through a short lunchtime session of SY meditation?

As the example above of TV production staff shows, it can be fun and a pleasant surprise when it works. To help boost your confidence and if there's enough interest, we could meet for 2-hour meditation sessions over 3  consecutive days (wed- fri 7-9pm), during which we would do  footspas for chakra clearance and explore the effect of mantras. A kind of mini-bootcamp which could be a transformative experience for you, even if you don't immediately go on to run  lunchtime meditation in your office.

You can reply with a 'Yes' if you think you might be interested in this. There would be a cost to booking a venue for the 3 days, unless someone knows somewhere in Chelsea we could have for free, in which case , let me know.

See you at group meditation tomorrow.
