Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Have a good xmas & new year holiday!

Dear All,
Yesterdays group meditation session was the last one of the year. Our next one will be on 10th January 2017.

Whether you managed to attend a few sessions or just followed the emails and meditated at home, I'm sure you would have discovered, probably to your amazement, that it really does work. All you had to do was give it a chance and persist just a little bit.

So if through your experience of sahaja yoga meditation, you were able to overcome your stress, cure yourself or improve your health, get along better with other people, fix your finances, become more creative, get a new job or do your own thing, find new purpose in life and pursue it, or simply ascend spiritually, then do tell your friends and family.

Sahaja Yoga is a quiet global movement towards a better world for everyone. In more than 95 countries around the world, including Mongolia and Saudia Arabia, individuals and groups of individuals are daily achieving for a few moments or for longer the state of 'thoughtless awareness', through the spontaneous kundalini awakening, which contains within it the blossoming of human beings fullest potential.

The more people that take to it, the more chance and hope there is of bringing about positive change around us. Instead of the trouble and strife we see on TV or read about in the newspapers or, in some cases, directly experience, a more happier picture could replace it. This is what has been predicted(click here):

​So while you're enjoying the holidays with friends and family, don't forget to make a little time for meditation if you can.

Have a good time and see you in the new year when we'll be aiming to progress together in deeper group meditations that show faster results.

Monday, 12 December 2016

How your Kundalini works.

Dear All,
Tuesday 20th December will be our last group meditation session of 2016. We'll be back on 10th January 2017.

But before Christmas and year end, it's still possible to have a growth spurt in your meditation practice by stepping on the gas a little.

There's a law of physics, that says things pretty much stay the same unless some force is applied. This explains boredom; being stuck in a rut and desperately wanting some positive change. Change is possible, but not from the sofa.

The relation of this to sahaja yoga meditation is this:

When you sit for meditation, the strength of your experience of the vibes and of the inner silence depends on the strength of the flow of kundalini energy through the sushumna nadi (central channel/parasympathetic nervous system). This in turn depends on your 'pure desire'. 

'Pure desire' is that inner urge which contains the force of action in it so that there is no gap between wanting and getting. Only the kundalini is capable of this.

So if this force of 'pure desire' is brought in when you sit down to meditate, by sincere wishing directed to your 'mother' kundalini, you'll get much better results. It 's like somebody learning how to move a paralysed leg or hand by concentratedly willing it to move. After some practice, the limb works and no effort of will is required.

It's the same with kundalini and the meditation: it's to be approached with willful intent, until it works by itself. This 7 min clip explains it more.

See you at group meditation tomorrow.


Tuesday, 6 December 2016

'Ambrosial' Hours and Biological Clock.

Dear All,
Your success may be all down to timing: not so much what you do but when you do it.

There's a special time in the early hours of the morning, known by the ancient yogis as the 'ambrosial hours' when, with very little effort , it is possible to feel at their strongest, the flow of vibes from the sahasrara chakra at top of head into vishuddhi chakra in the throat.

How well your vishuddhi chakra is developed can determine the quality of your relationships and ability to get things done, because it is the chakra of communications.

The 'ambrosial' timing is measured at about one and a half hours before sunrise and lasts for about 48 minutes. Luckily, as we are in winter time, sunrise is sufficiently late to wake up at the ambrosial time without forcing yourself to wake up particularly early.  Sunrise today, for example, was 07:51am. If you woke up at around 06:21am this morning and managed to sit in meditation then you would have been bathed in the rejuvenating nectar-dew of vibes.

This heightened ability to feel vibes in early morning may have something to do with our biological clock/circadian rhythms, depicted in the picture below (from wikipedia: Chronobiology)

See you at group meditation tomorrow.