Monday 14 November 2016

The Power of Your Hands

Dear All,
Your hands are important. Through your regular meditation , the vibes which can be felt as the 'cool breeze' above your head, start flowing in your hands and you can use this to help your chakras; raise a friends kundalini, cure someone; vibrate water'; express creativity and do many other useful things.

The annotated photo below shows how your subtle system works regarding the power of your hands.

If you can't feel much on your hands, it could be because of the state of the vishuddhi - if you smoke, try and cut down . Or try massaging the hands with olive oil.

At the throat, shown in photo, the drinking or swallowing reflex may be felt in deep meditation. If you're lucky you may get the 'taste' of a sweetness at the back of the throat. This mechanism is referred to in yoga as 'kechari mudra' *. This is said to be 'amruta', 'ambrosia' -  the fabled 'food of the gods' and 'elixir of eternal youth' :o).

See you at group meditation tomorrow.


​* Kechari Mudra is extensively described in the ancient literature of yoga, particularly Raja yoga('Royal yoga') but it is littered with mistakes and false practices. Kechari Mudra happens spontaneously after kundalini awakening, not before in the same way that the steering and wheels of a car only work once the ignition is on, not before.

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