Monday, 22 August 2016

Sat. Sept 17th Retreat + Migraine Cure + Interviews

​Dear All,

Do you know anyone who suffers from migraine or other chronic illnesses? What do medical doctors think about sahaja yoga meditation? What do other people experience when they meditate?

See below for answers, but first a date for your diary. 

On Saturday 17th Sept., there's another one of the popular 1-day meditation retreats in the English countryside. If you've already been to one (and you can go to as many as you like), then you'll know what a transformational experience these can be. If you haven't been to one then don't miss the opportunity, click here now to see the program & put your name down (if it turns out later that you really can't go then that's OK).

Heidi Costa was an Architect in Sydney, suffering from acute chronic headaches when she discovered sahaja yoga meditation. Here's what she had to say in this Australian television news feature.

Dr Brian Wells FRCPsych is a respected medical practitioner specialising in the treatment of addictions. Anyone who is scientifically-trained or very rationally-minded is, naturally, going to be sceptical about any wild claims unsupported by evidence. And Dr. Brain Wells admits himself that he was sceptical when he first came to the meditation. Until things started happening. (Listen out for the 'coincidence' of the kind mentioned in this last email : Only connect: Everything else  flows from this ) .

Whether it's people talking about it in America or Italy, everyone says what a peaceful place the kundalini takes them to. Sophia from Genoa, Italy, particularly enjoys the vibes of the group meditation. And it shows.

See you at group meditation on Tuesday.

Monday, 15 August 2016

Kyoto Gardens - A Meditation Retreat

​Dear All,
If you have any questions about your meditation practice or would like to know how meditation can help with something specific, then feel free to email me. I'm more than happy to reply, even if you don't manage to come to the group meditation sessions.

Here are 3 things you can do for free to help you think less and experience the vibes more, which can help you in many different ways.

1. Footspa detox - this is beneficial for mooladhara( joy& innocence) and nabhi(wellness) chakras.

2. Ice pack treatment  - to cool the liver down. An 'over-active' or 'hot' liver leads to stress, worry and quickly getting angry, and is quite common because of diet (eg. eating a lot of meat), taking in a lot of caffeine( coffee & tea) or alcohol.

3. Kyoto Japanese gardens - Holland Park. If you haven't visited this garden, you should try and go at least once. It has a waterfall and an air of tranquility and if you sit still with your eyes closed, it's very easy to begin to feel your sahasrara and vishuddhi chakras opening up. The best time is Saturday or Sunday morning (before the Pokemon Go players arrive :o)  )

See you at group meditation on Tuesday.

Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Health, Knee problems, the immune system, Ayurveda

​Dear All,
Below is a 7-minute Question & Answer clip that may answer some of the questions you have about the meditation eg.
Why the photograph?
What about other kinds of meditation?
How do I control my thoughts?
Also questions about health, knee problems, the immune system and Ayurveda.

You'll notice the title of the video clip as "Q&A with Adi Shakti'. In India, Shri Mataji is referred to as 'Adi Shakti' which means incarnation of the primordial mother or reincarnation of the mother of Christ, which explains the deep respect and devotion shown to her in India.

See you at group meditation tomorrow.


Monday, 1 August 2016

Meditate on the move - 2 free mp3 downloads for your daily commute & geography of chakras

​Dear All,

Here are 2 free mp3 downloads for your phone, to help you achieve meditative inner peace on your way to work. In this way you can set yourself up for a great day ahead.

Remember to keep the focus of your attention at the top of your head while listening, to see whether you can feel the cool sensation of the kundalini flowing there.
Also if you're travelling internationally for holiday during August, you may be interested in the chart below which shows a 'geography of the chakras' . For example, if you happen to visit Kathamandu, Nepal, near the Himalayas, and were meditating, you would probably feel a stronger upward pull on sahasrara, than if you were, say, in Greece, where you'd be more likely to feel your nabhi chakra.

This related 5 min clip :  click here - spiritual geography , perhaps gives support to the idea that the Earth is not just a large piece of rock travelling fast through space but is actually a living entity ( see James Lovelock Gaia Hypothesis ). Also that the evolution of the Earth is intimately bound up with the evolution of human beings ( Pierre Teilhard de Chardin - paleontologist).

See you at group meditation on Tuesday.