Monday 20 June 2016

Your witnessing power & self-expression : Chakra in the throat

Dear All,

When you close your eyes in meditation and can feel the sensation of the kundalini at the top of your head; the vibes then start flowing downwards into the throat (vishuddhi chakra), which can develop in you capacities of self-expression, which are beneficial to you in day-to-day life . See chart below and watch this 8 minute clip .

One of the key abilities you may discover that you have on vishuddhi is referred to in sanskrit as 'tatatsta' and 'sakshi-swarooptwa'.  This is translated as 'witnessing state', a kind of detached watching of events that has the power to change something (in your favour, such as problems getting solved)

This has to be experienced. It cannot be deliberately done.

(For any quantum physicist amongst you, this is reminiscent of Heisenbergs Uncertainty: observation affecting experimental outcome and measurement).

Also on the vishuddhi chakra, by resting your attention there during meditation, you can improve your ability to feel vibes in the hands. So this can be added to the practice of regular footspas as a way developing vibrational awareness.

In human evolution terms this is just one of the many dormant abilities that everyone has within them and will be using at some point in the future. A kind of en masse 6th sense.

See you at group meditation on Tuesday.

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