Monday, 13 June 2016

Chocolate Vibes: Getting your Meditation 'taste buds' working so meditation is a piece of cake.

Dear All,

One of the things that makes sahaja yoga meditation unique among all other forms of meditation, is that you can actually feel it working while you are practicing it. You can feel the movement of your kundalini and the vibes.

There's an  inceasing take-up of meditation on the back of mounting evidence of it's many benefits. But there is a high drop-out rate once started. Why? Because, ironically, people are too busy and stressed out. And, the practice may not be self-sustaining enough: there's a delay between practice and getting the benefits.

Sahaja yoga meditation is different because of the vibes felt while doing it. The kundalini kicks in; the vibes start flowing; the mind-body relaxes; thinking subsides allowing greater rush of kundalini; leading to more vibes, more relaxation and then into the state of 'thoughtless awareness' or 'nirvichar samadhi'.

This is part of what makes the meditation easy to do and also gives you the pleasure of practice in the moment. It's like eating your favourite food: the pleasure is in the mouth while eating; not in the after-effect - digesting in the stomach later on.

Broccoli is good for us but wouldn't you prefer the chocolate cake? Sahaja yoga meditation is eating the chocolate cake but getting all the benefits of broccoli. That is why the ability to feel vibes is important. Your taste buds need to be working.

When you can 'taste' your meditative experience in this way, then you'll have no problem doing your 5-10 minutes of meditation a day. because you'll know that it gives you an immediate positive 'hit' or 'buzz' . And the real pay-off is in the sustained practice.

So given that feeling vibes is a key part of what sahaja yoga meditation is all about, here's what to do if you're getting no vibes or getting little.

1. You can check your sensitivity to vibes right now by focusing your attention at the top of your head and holding your palms out towards this email (the 'Truth' essence of anything can be felt on the palms as vibes). What do you feel?

2. Now close your eyes, still with focus of attention at top of head, and bring to mind a friend or family member. Holding your palms open while doing this, what do feel on palms?

3. Keeping the eyes closed as in meditation, focus on kundalini at top of head with the idea of 'drinking' the vibes through the top of the head so that there is a sensation of downward flow. Did you feel anything within your head/body ?

If your answer to any of the 3 questions above was ' Unsure' or 'Felt nothing' then try and do a series of 10 minute evening footsoaks over the week.

The advantage of the footsoak is that it helps the right channel(stress), the lower 3 chakras(mooladhara, nabhi &swadisthana) including liver. Noticeable benefits are that your skin complexion and hair improves and you sleep better. Footsoaking is particularly helpful after the gym or any form of physical exercise to rid the body of the heat that has built up.

See you at group meditation on Tuesday.

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