Thursday, 22 December 2022

Your Hidden Strengths. Getting More Faith In Yourself.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Your Hidden Strengths. Getting More Faith In Yourself.

Dear Friend,

Don't you just loathe that time of year in your organisation when you have your annual performance review. It's a time to, essentially, justify your existence or at least justify why you deserve a pay rise.

I've sat on both sides of the table and know how it can sometimes be a bit of a charade. One of the few times I've cried laughing was with a close workmate whose targets and achievements I was reviewing.

Trying to act formally with someone who knows you very well can quickly become ridiculous. Unless you take yourself too seriously.

Anyway, as part of the performance review discussion there's usually some focus on what you perceive to be your strengths. This is normally in the context of how you can use this to benefit the organisation.

But what about your strengths that benefit yourself of which you may not be aware.

Joy, focus, creativity, generosity, resourcefulness and courage, are some of the potential strengths existing in everybody. And you can cultivate these in yourself indirectly with your daily kundalini meditation.

That way when you find yourself in any challenging situation, you discover your ability to ride it out which gives you stronger faith in yourself for the next time. More below.

Also below: The sound of a singing voice to lift you up; and, how you can build your spiritual muscles.

This newsletter is on Christmas break for a couple of weeks. We'll be back 8th January 2023. You can read issues you missed here. And 'Your Questions Answered' remains available. Have an enjoyable holiday and don't stop meditating - it's the solution to everything really.
Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Mon. 19th Dec - Saphala Ekadashi ( 'saphala' in Sanskrit means 'fruitful', 'successful' ; 'ekadashi' means 'the destructive 11th day of the moon'  - so you can succeed at something by getting rid of something) ; Thurs. 22nd Dec - Masik Shivaratri (Nurture your essence - your spirit); Fri. 23rd Dec - New Moon (new beginnings).

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom) [No Meeting 19th, 26th Dec, 2nd Jan]
In Tune With Your Spirit - Music Of Kaushiki Chakraborty On Spotify. 
Ariana Grande and Mariah Carey may be two of the very few singers who can hit the whistle register, proving that the finest musical instrument is the human voice, but you don't need a singing voice capable of breaking glass, to achieve impressive effects. Kaushiki Chakraborty is one of India's best classical vocalist  whose spiritual ballads can touch you in a way that other music can't . Listen to her here...
Spiritual Exercise - Strengthening Your Inner Core (Nabhi & Void).
Doing the 'plank' is a good way of strengthening your core muscles to improve your balance and stability. But that's only the physical side of things. Much more important than that is your inner 'core' which is represented by your Nabhi chakra and Void. When you pay attention to that, it gives you balance and stability with whatever is going on in your life. Here's a mantra meditation workout... 
Your Hidden Strengths. Getting More Faith In Yourself. 
When you've finished listing what you bring to the table for your organisation, focus on what strengths you can use for yourself. Every time you sit in meditation and your Kundalini rises to your Sahasarara chakra at the crown of your head, the light of Sahasrara is thrown back down on your chakras to enlighten them and manifest your hidden strengths. This is how faith in yourself becomes more solid. Here's how it's done... 
Popular Posts Others Are Reading.
Quote of the Week

 " For doing anything, you must know that you must have faith in yourself, so that you stand up to it. And every time you’ll be surprised, any waves comes up, you ride over it. Every wave comes up you ride over it. But just feel what powers you have got. These powers are within you already inherent. [Ed. Through Kundalini-awakening] ." 

June 23rd 1980, Caxton Hall, London (England).

"What's that lovely Indian meditation music you play at the meetings? I always feel cleansed by it. Is any of it available on Spotify?"
In Reply:

Glad it helps you and that you notice the effects. Indian classical music is the original music therapy:

Santoor (dulcimer) settles your stomach and pacifies anxiety. Search for Shivkumar Sharma on Spotify.

Indian Flute (bansuri), makes the vibes flow within you better. Search for Hari Prasad Chaurasia on Spotify.

Tabla (Indian drum), clears your heart of insecurity and fills you with confidence. The tabla is usually an accompanying instrument so is heard along with the other instruments mentioned.

Sitar , frees your mind of clingy thoughts and raises your spirit. Search for Vilayat Khan on Spotify.

Indian classical music is also time-of-day sensitive or has 'moods'(Ragas). This means certain compositions have a deeper effect on you when listened to in the evenings rather than during the day.

Raga Bhairavi is one of my favourites for countering the effects of a busy day or setting you up for a good day ahead.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


Lunar Calendar - Get Ahead By Getting Your Timing Right.

Click to Expand and See Key to Understanding What Day is Good For Achieving What.

Monday, 12 December 2022

When Wanting Works. Another Way You Can Make Things Happen.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

When Wanting Works. Another Way You Can Make Things Happen.

Dear Friend,

When you were a few days old, your mum may have noticed the throbbing of the soft spot on top of your head and perhaps asked the nurse or your nan about it.

They would have reassured your mum that it was nothing to worry about. It was just the pulse of your infant heartbeat travelling to the anterior fontanelle and making it pulse in unison.

This was the first indication of the integration of your heart with your brain. Eighteen months later the fontanelle sealed up; the throbbing disappeared and it was downhill all the way.

Why? Because the brain and heart are not just organs but are receptacles in which are stored our hopes and fears, our memories, our loves, our dreams and aspirations and everything else that colours our personality and makes us unique.

The stories of heart transplant patients returning home to their families with changed personalities are common.

When our heart is not connected with the brain, then we're fumbling in the dark and happiness and success are rare accidents.

With Kundalini awakening what was lost is now regained. When she rises she can be felt at first as a throb on top of the head as of someone knocking at a closed door.

When the 'Brahmarandhara' (lit: 'hole of God') is opened by her, she then emerges as a cool breeze sensation (Greek: 'pneuma').

She then integrates your Heart chakra and Sahasrara (brain) with the self-organising principle of Mother Nature ('paramachaitanya').

So what your heart wants, your brain flows into the lap of Providence and things are better able to work that might not otherwise succeed. More below.

Also below: Silent healers of light - visit Slava's instagram page to get a supply of special candles; and, a guided meditation for clearing your head... of building works.
Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Mon. 12th Dec - Sankashti Chaturthi (Overcoming blocks and removing obstacles easily done on this day); Thurs. 15th - Saptami (Lucky 7th day of moon - go for it!); Sat. 17th - Navami (Vibes good on this day - you're protected).

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Chasing Your Blues Away - Candle Power. 
Make sure to stock up on candles. They add the cleansing element of fire to your meditation. Also just placing some candles in your living space can change the atmosphere and lift your mood. The best candles to use are those that don't quickly end up in a dripping mess of melting wax and have a firm enough wick to hold a strong and steady flame. You can get these kind of handcrafted beeswax candles from Slava at Tuesday meeting or check out the pictures on her Insta @heartwlove.
Building Sandcastles - Overcoming The False Constructions Of Your Mind (Laya Yoga).
Don't believe your mind. It can sometimes make you unnecessarily worried with its false constructions. Although it is a master architect, all that its really building are sandcastles. These can be washed away in a minute by the ocean waves. Take a few minutes to dissolve ('Laya') your worries with this short guided meditation...
Return To Source - Union Of Your Heart & Brain Can Make Things Happen (Sahasrara Chakra). 
A baby doesn't think. Thinking is graffiti drawn over a window you're trying to look out of. The window is your Sahasrara (brain); the looker is your heart and the one holding the paint cans is your mental chatter. To get your windows cleaned you need a window cleaner. Her name is Mahamaya, the graffiti artists mother, and she sits atop your head. Confused? Here's why Sahasrara is your most powerful chakra...
Popular Posts Others Are Reading.
Quote of the Week

 "...when you work too much with your intellect, heart fail[s]. And when you work too much with your heart, the brain fails. There exists a [deep] relationship between them...when you get your realisation [kundalini-awakening], their relationship has to become deeper.[...] The moment it gets completely integrated, your attention becomes completely 'Parameshwar swaroop' (one with Divine) [Ed. then what you desire with the heart is manifested by sahasrara (brain) unconsciously] " 

May 5th 1983, Gorai Creek, Bombay (India).

"Is a vegan diet more compatible with spirituality?"
In Reply:

Since the Buddha, the epitome of spirituality, was a meat-eater (and in fact died from tainted pork), the conclusion has to be that vegetarianism or veganism is not necessarily more compatible with spirituality.

This is not to say that a vegan diet can't help with your spiritual practice. It can.

The reason why is because if you've previously been a heavy meat-eater, adopting a meat-free vegan diet for a period could mellow the temperament and make you more centred, which helps with meditative practice.

So it very much depends on the prior or native constitution of the individual. And each person is different.

The rule-of-thumb with Sahaja yoga is: 
  • If you tend to be Left-sided (passive) eat meat (preferably chicken and fish, avoiding red meat) to centre yourself
  • If you tend to be Right-sided (over-active) eat less meat and more plant-based food to centre yourself.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


Lunar Calendar - Get Ahead By Getting Your Timing Right.

Click to Expand and See Key to Understanding What Day is Good For Achieving What.