Below: 1. Covid-19 watch: the reason for the advice about washing your hands (source: John Hopkins University) 2. Utopia for Realists: the silver lining on the cloud of the present pandemic crisis. 3. Trust your instincts - there's a better way knowing.
Our meditation sessions may have gone off-line during this period of social distancing, but they are very much online in the form of sessions you can jump on to from your laptop or phone. Meditating with other people, even if it is over the internet, can still have a powerful effect so below are two sessions to try out for yourself.
1. Tomorrow, Monday 30th March 7:30pm (and every Monday) Click here to join.
2. Every weekday at 7pm . Click here to join.
"What is the difference between Self-realization and knowledge? – It’s just the same. – And No difference. You see in the Vedas it is written Vid – Vid is the word used in Sanskrit language – means to know on your Central Nervous System. Whatever is known on your Central Nervous System is the knowledge, the rest of it is just ‘Shabd Pandityam’ means only the word, the words. Words and words. Whatever you know on your Central Nervous System is the Knowledge. the rest of it is just talking, talking, talking. " Shri Mataji , Friday May 8th, 1987, Sydney (Australia)
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