Tuesday, 24 September 2019

What To Do About Climate Change?

Below:  1. Be the change you want to see - how a little meditative focus on your chakras can bring you what you want.   2. If you're struggling to relax or sleep, then you've got to plug this piece of music in.   3. Climate Change  - this thing here could be the solution.

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"Until the Awakening happens, the problems of the world cannot come to an end." Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Saturday , 21st March 1992, New Delhi , India.

To view or share previous weeks newsletters, click to open the archive.

Tuesday, 17 September 2019

Navel-gazing Or Money From Nothing.

Below: 1. Life's little hurdles can be overcome by overcoming the obstacles within ourselves to seeing things from a different point of view. This short guided meditation helps.   2. Trying your hand at making 'holy' water to cure somebody with  3. Navel-gazing : money from nothing.

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" All the problems: political problems, economic problems – everything can be solved." Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, 30th September 1981, New York City

Image attribution:

Laughing Buddha :  Supersmart202 [CC BY-SA 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)]

Wednesday, 11 September 2019

Superhuman : Your Journey Starts Here.

Hi there,

Thanks for joining us for the sahaja yoga meditation session last night. The real self-discovery begins now with your own practice at home. Over the next several days with a daily sitting for 5-10 minutes in the state of mental silence, made possible by your kundalini-awakening, you will feel better in every way.

To help you along, as promised, you can download/listen to the audio guided meditation below. Included as well, is everything you need for your one week experiment on yourself. Enjoy!

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Additional resources are provided below. If you have any questions about your practice feel free to email me. Come along to the group meditation sessions whenever you can make it; when you're establishing your regular practice, meditating with other sahaja yogis really boosts your progress. In the meantime, look out for the weekly newsletter which is designed to gradually build up your knowledge and experience of sahaja yoga meditation, so that you get to a point where you can teach others if you want to. This is the silent revolution to try and change the world.



Tuesday, 10 September 2019

How To Do A 10-minute Footspa 'Detox'

Below:  1. If Mark Rothko had experienced kundalini-awakening, this is what he might have painted: a taste of nirvana. See if it makes you go thoughtless.    2. The first time most people properly feel their vibes on their hands and heads when they meditate, is after they've done a footspa detox. It's the thing that can really make a difference for you. Try it and see for yourself.      3. The universe is benevolent and pregnant with possibilities - just for you. But you need to connect. Through silence. Here's how.

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"We cannot meditate; we only can be in meditation." Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, 'Meditation in Thoughtless Awareness, 30th March 1976, Delhi , India.

Tuesday, 3 September 2019

Make Yours A Happy Home - Tips For Improving The Vibes.

Below:  1. Sickness and old age need not be facts of life. Kundalini can fix it. Listening to a 14,000 year old prediction.  2. If you stop thinking for a minute, you'll realise it was all in your head. Parting the waves of thought with this guided meditation using 2 simple beeja mantras.   3. Make yours a happy home - some feng shui tips to health, wealth and happiness.
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" And you develop a new awareness, which we call as vibratory awareness by which you feel others." Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Public Program, Zurich, Switzerland, Monday 29th September 1980.