Tuesday 13 August 2019

Why You're A Force of Nature

Below:  1. 'This is the age of Aquarius', the song goes. Did you know that the water carrier/pot is related to en masse kundalini awakening? This 1 minute clip explains the connection.   2. Look after your feet and your feet will look after you - doing the footsoak 'detox'. Here' how.   3. You are a force of Nature, so use this short guided meditation to nourish your elements.

Water pot.jpg

Footsoak - seaside.jpg

Force of Nature.jpg

"What are you thinking about? By thinking you receive nothing, you have to be thoughtless awareness, then only you will grow. You cannot sort out anything by thinking. " Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Sunday 1st June 1986, Houston, USA.

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