Tuesday, 20 August 2019

How To Get Ahead At Work.

Below:  1. Don't sweat the small stuff. Here's how to glide along in life and be successful by being effortless.  2. 'If music be the food of love; play on'. Get your calm on with this 8-minute musical meditation.  3. Achieve career success by taking your brain to the gym . Here's what the kundalini is doing for your brain.



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" And this work is done by kundalini, you don’t have to do anything, it is effortless. What effort have you put in getting born. Or what effort has been put by seed in growing tree from it. " Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Monday 12th March 1979, New Delhi, India

Missed previous emails? View them here.

Tuesday, 13 August 2019

Why You're A Force of Nature

Below:  1. 'This is the age of Aquarius', the song goes. Did you know that the water carrier/pot is related to en masse kundalini awakening? This 1 minute clip explains the connection.   2. Look after your feet and your feet will look after you - doing the footsoak 'detox'. Here' how.   3. You are a force of Nature, so use this short guided meditation to nourish your elements.

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"What are you thinking about? By thinking you receive nothing, you have to be thoughtless awareness, then only you will grow. You cannot sort out anything by thinking. " Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Sunday 1st June 1986, Houston, USA.

Tuesday, 6 August 2019

The Path to Silence - A Guided Meditation

Below:  1. If you've never been to Greece before then here's 4 reasons why you should visit and what this has to do with sahaja yoga.   2. Did you know that your heart 'thinks'. You can google the science of it but far more important is what this means for you personally. Find out here.  3. Download this guided meditation onto your phone and discover your 'house with many mansions' within.


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"...the first step is to become thoughtlessly aware, where you cross your mind, you go above your mind. Mind cannot affect you.." Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi,  Sunday, March 3rd 1996, Sydney(Australia)

 Previous weekly emails can be found here.