Tuesday 20 March 2018

Stress @ work - Taming the Dragon.

Dear All,
Here's a 10 minute guided meditation which you can download to your phone and use for a short lunch time meditation session with your work colleagues if any of them happen to be interested.

We spend most of our waking hours at work, which is where most of the stress comes from, so why not deal with the matter at it's source. Go tame the dragon in it's cave!

The work atmosphere has been known to change for the better and work relations improved by creating a little bit of stillness around you with thoughtless awareness.

Just for reassurance, in offices from Sydney to Singapore(see photos above) and from Bangalore to Bahrain, people are taking time out to reset themselves in the office with sahaja yoga meditation because it works .

Here's the free download again - click here.

See you at group meditation tomorrow.

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