Monday, 26 March 2018

Why The Space You Live In Is Important.

Dear All,
Is your living space secretly sabotaging your career and personal life? Vaastu Shastra, the ancient Indian art of architectural and interior design, suggests that it might .

For example, if you always feel tired, have debts and feel you're not making much progress at work; argue a lot and relationships don't go great, then it could be that the flow of positive energy is blocked at key points in your house because of the spatial orientation of the rooms or the way you've arranged the furniture!

Specific Vaastu tips for bringing more harmony and success into your life include:
  • Never keep a non-working clock in the house - stagnates life energy and finances
  • Avoid wardrobe mirrors which reflect the bed - couple quarrels, chronic tiredness, health problems
  • Unhappy or violent paintings on the wall -  sucks the positivity out of the room.
(source: Smart Living - Vaastu-style)

All superstitious nonsense, perhaps? Well, some pretty rational folk are taking no chances. In Hong Kong apparently, experts in  Feng Shui (Chinese equivalent of Vaastu) are in high demand in the business community to advise on office construction and design  to ensure success and prosperity.
Even in London, there's at least one global corporate that I know of which insisted that the address of it's new head office should begin with the number 1, as in 1 Any street, London; to help it achieve it's aspiration of beating it's competitors and becoming No. 1 in the market.

But hold on. Before you start flicking through the Yellow Pages looking for a Vaastu consultant, consider this: most of the fundamental vaastu advice relates to the construction and layout of the property. Which, unfortunately, is already fixed, unless you're building your own house.

So the answer may be to move to a place that has better vibes or stay where you are but raise the vibes to cancel out any negative vaastu.

Meditating with the photo and candle does exactly that. The photo emits vibes, so placing a glass-framed photo in your living space will improve the vibes and begin to create the positive outcomes that is claimed for Vaastu & Feng Shui.
Below is the proof that it does work - it comes from the survey that some of you completed about your own experience.

If you want a copy of the photo above to test it's properties as a 'lucky charm', then click here to download it  - photo. You can print online at Boots Photo here.
Ideally, and to preserve the vibes of the photo, keep in glass photo frame and do an 'arti'* of the photo when you sit down to meditate.

'Arti' is a bandhan - similar to the one you give yourself at start of meditation - done with the lit candle over the front of the photo , 3X.

See you at group meditation tomorrow.

Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Stress @ work - Taming the Dragon.

Dear All,
Here's a 10 minute guided meditation which you can download to your phone and use for a short lunch time meditation session with your work colleagues if any of them happen to be interested.

We spend most of our waking hours at work, which is where most of the stress comes from, so why not deal with the matter at it's source. Go tame the dragon in it's cave!

The work atmosphere has been known to change for the better and work relations improved by creating a little bit of stillness around you with thoughtless awareness.

Just for reassurance, in offices from Sydney to Singapore(see photos above) and from Bangalore to Bahrain, people are taking time out to reset themselves in the office with sahaja yoga meditation because it works .

Here's the free download again - click here.

See you at group meditation tomorrow.

Monday, 12 March 2018

How To Get To A Happier Life.

Dear All,
Here's how sahaja yoga meditation fits into your aspirations for a happier life. Whatever it is that motivates you to get out of bed in the morning - work, family etc. has been deeply thought about by the famous American psychologist, Abraham Maslow and organised into a neat pyramid, shown below, called the Maslow Hierarchy of Needs.

This shows that once health, housing, family/relationships, work/money needs are met then people start thinking about what Maslow calls 'self-actualization'.  Read this as 'self-realization'.

On Maslow's pyramid the movement is bottom-up: only once a lower need is met will people try and achieve a higher need.

The problem with that is that like the false promise of multi-level marketing, you may never ever get to the top of the pyramid. Life is such that it is easy to get stuck at any of the lower stages and go round and round, leading to what Mick Jagger sang as: "Can't Get No Satisfaction!".

Sahaja yoga solves this. There's the evidence of many peoples' experience that once you begin to meditate regularly there's a 'trickle-down' or top-down effect: stress goes away, health improves, relationships improve, work/money improves.

Although it would take a small book to explain how this is happening, the phenomenon is captured in a one-line quote from the Bhagavad Gita: "Yoga kshemam vahamyaham"  meaning 'Once you achieve yoga(self-realization), everything else is taken care of'.

See you at group meditation tomorrow.