Tuesday, 19 December 2017

Have an enjoyable holiday!

Dear All,

As we round off 2017, here's hoping you've gotten something; even a little bit worthwhile, from having your eyes shut, as above, on Tuesdays in Chelsea, and/or at home, trying to achieve your 'thoughtless awareness', this past year. You'll be happy to know that it does get easier.

How? Apparently, the more people that are doing something, the easier it becomes for everybody else. That's according to a theory by Author & Biologist, Rupert Sheldrake, that there's a collective memory in Nature that we tap into[1]. This applies to sahaja yoga meditation and getting into thoughtlesss awareness.

Since the state of thoughtless awareness is the key to achieving everything you've ever wanted (- you may not know it just yet :o) ), here's a little something you can use as motivation to achieving even a few seconds of thoughtless awareness at a time, to make 2018 a transformative year for you.

Freedom, Happiness and Money, are, apparently, 3 of the top 10 things most people want but can't seem to get.* The other things are shown below, along with where they sit within us, with the promise that with the advantage you have of sahaja yoga meditation, you can open some doors within and without.

Tomorrow's is the last group meditation session of the 2017. We'll be back on 9th January. However, you can still keep in touch - I may still send out guided meditation & meditation music clips on our whatsapp group during the break. If you want to be included in the group then send the  whatsapp message 'Chelsea SY' and your first name to my mobile .

Have an enjoyable holiday!


Monday, 11 December 2017

From Effort to No Effort - a small tip on getting something very Big.

Dear All,

No time to meditate? Below are 2 charts to give you a little encouragement in the right direction. The first one shows you the path to your success. And the second one is what some of you told me about the benefits you got from just trying a little bit.

If you're already meditating regularly, there's still something you can take away from both charts.

Chart 1:

​Here's that quote again from last week about why the state of thoughtless awareness in human beings is a big deal:
" But when you are inside that you are in thoughtless awareness. Then, not only that you are there, but you are everywhere, because that is the place, that is the point where you are really in universal… From there you are in contact with the Principle, with the Shakti, with the Power that permeates into every particle that is matter, into every thought that is emotion, into every planning and thinking of the whole world. You permeate into all the elements that have created this beautiful Earth. You permeate into earth; you permeate into Akasha [sky, ether], into teja [light], into sound."​ Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi , India, March 30th 1976.
(Chart 1 could represent any kind of evolutionary transition in species. For example: fish massing in shallow water and then developing 'feet' to become the first land mammals. See Tiktaalik)

Chart 2:

'How Has Sahaja Yoga Meditation Helped You'
​(Chart 2 is the result of a survey sent out earlier this year).

If you're really pushed for time in the morning, the least you could do is to raise your kundalini and put on a bandhan before leaving the house. Something is better than nothing, and you may even begin to to feel the postive effect of that. Click here for how to do it properly.

See you at group meditation tomorrow. By the way tomorrow's is the last but one session we're having this year. Tuesday 19th is our last meet for the year and then we're back January 9th. Try and finish 2017 on a high by coming to these 2 last sessions if you can make it.


Tuesday, 5 December 2017

How to impress the boss and get to where you want to go.

Dear All,

Here's how to conquer Oxford Street and impress your boss/clients with your creativity and brilliance from doing this simple exercise, wherever and whenever.

First off, the 'Oxford street' we're talking about is the one in your head; of thoughts, moods and emotions that chase each other like a trail of London buses at a busy intersection with it's crowds of shoppers, and which doesn't help you to easily get to where you want to go.

And where do you want to go? Peace & Happiness, right?

So here's what you do: right there on the street, just stop! just stop and stand still - on the real Oxford street, people seem to do this all the time :o) . You could actually be at your desk at work, or out walking, or on the tube, or at home. Just cut into your train of thought and stop.

Shift your attention to the top of your head and hold it there as if you're balancing a ball on top of your head. Hold for 5 seconds; and it's as if you're holding your breath, but you're not - it's very gentle abdominal breathing that takes care of itself. Your back is straight. Let it go. Do another 5 seconds. Let it go . And then another 5 seconds.

Here's what will happen or should start happening: where your attention goes , your kundalini follows, so the kundalini's cool sensation will start to be felt at the top of the head. It's like working a muscle by repeated exercise. So try it wherever and whenever and you'll be developing your ability to achieve the 'thoughtless awareness' state.

When you then sit down for your dedicated 10 minutes of meditation, you'll find it much easier.

And about that increased creativity and brilliance; a scientific study on sahaja yoga meditation was published last year which shows that regular practice increases the grey matter  in your brain - basically your brain gets better. Click here to see the paper.

Some indication of how extraordinary being able to achieve thoughtless awareness is, even for only a few seconds at a time, is  given in this quote of Shri Mataji's from 1976 : 'You penetrate into matter' .

See you at group meditation tomorrow.
