Monday, 18 September 2017

The iPhone8 & How to Make Something of Yourself.

Dear All,

Below is an image that can help you understand a lot about yourself and also help you fulfill the aspirations in you that money can't buy.

First though, here's how you're similar to the new iphone 8 above. In case you haven't already coughed up the $1000 needed to purchase one, fyi it has wireless charging. And so do you. How?

Everytime , you sit for your 5-10 minutes daily meditation, 2 things happen: 1. your kundalini goes up and continues with her work of establishing peace and contentment in you as a permanent feature and 2. the vibes that flow down from the top of your head into the body, begin to nourish your chakras - this is why people report feeling and looking better even after a few weeks of regular meditation. The vibes pour vitality into you and you get 'charged'.

The second way you're similar to any smartphone is this: On the phone above there are icons representing the different apps on the phone, for example twitter and instagram. When you tap the icons they open up the app and you can make use of their functionality.

According to a sahaja yoga understanding, the essence or energy of a chakra is represented by archetypes/deities - similar to Jungian archetypes in Depth Psychology. The archetypes can be likened to icons. When you 'tap' the archetype, by using a mantra, then the energy ('functionality') of the archetype is strengthened within you.

So depending on which aspect of yourself you choose to 'work on', you can tap in yourself your creativity, your courage and fearless nature, your compassion and love, your material satisfaction and so on. It's all shown in the image below. Click here to first read about Jungian archetypes.

All that's left then is  to tell you about the mantras for each chakra. Given below is the name of each archetype against each image. When you wish to say the mantra for a particular chakra just insert the name of the corresponding archetype/deity into the following 'formula':

Om twam eva sakshat, Shri <insert the name here> sakshat, Shri Adi shakti mataji, Shri Nirmala Devi namoh, namah!

The best way to start experimenting with mantras is to download/listen to this mp3 of me saying them - click here. You can then print out the image below (attached as pdf file) and follow along with the sheet in front of you. See whether you begin to notice the effect of the mantras on the vibes you're feeling.

If any of this is not quite clear then feel free to email me back with any questions you have or come and speak to me on Tuesday.

See you at group meditation tomorrow.


Inline image 1

Wednesday, 13 September 2017

Problem-solving with 'Breath Meditation'

Dear All,

In case you haven't yet experienced it, touching the state of 'thoughtless awareness' with your meditation can actually produce solutions to any difficulties or challenges(big or small) that we all face from time to time.

Below is a guide to that 5 minute 'Breathing Meditation' we tried in class last Tuesday, to help you do exactly that. Watch the demo video(click here) to better understand the breathing part of the exercise.
See you at group meditation tomorrow.


Monday, 4 September 2017

The Power of Group Meditation + How Candle Light can Cure.

Dear All,

If you had been thinking about it, it's not too late to get a tremendous boost by joining the many others on the free* one-day SY meditation retreat this Saturday 9th Sept. Click here to register.

As you know when you come to the Tuesday group meditation session, the nourishment from the vibes can transform the rest of your week in a positive way and shift something you may have been struggling with.

And that's only at most 30 -40 of us  in a room for about an hour. Imagine if there are 100+ in group meditation on and off for the best part of a day, as at this Saturday's one-day retreat. The effect might be like the one captured in the photos above from a Russian SY seminar 2009.

As it becomes cooler outside and the weather turns autumnal, there's a tendency to become left-sided, especially if the fun of your summer holiday is fast fading into a nostalgic memory. Left-sided-ness can sometimes give feelings of lethargy, emotional disatisfaction and a general pessimism about things[1]. The cure for that is by use of candle light with your meditation in a slightly different way demonstrated in this short video clip : click here.

See you at group meditation tomorrow.
