Monday 20 March 2017

Sitting Pretty.

Dear All,
Your persistence will pay off. With a little bit of sustained focus most of your goals are achievable. The path to success seems to be made easier with the daily boost of meditation.

How do I know? See what people like Oprah Winfrey, Arianna Huffingpost, Steve Jobs and Russell Brand said about their own meditation practice @feelingsuccess.

While so-called 'success' may mean different things to different people and not all meditation practices are created equal, there's no doubt that taking a few moments of daily 'down time' just for yourself, can really recharge your batteries and get you to the place you want to be.

And, with sahaja yoga meditation, you come out looking prettier as well :o)  - watch 'How effects of <sahaja yoga> meditation can show on the face.'

To get the kind of results talked about in the 7 min clip, after you've got into the thoughtless awareness state( mental silence), place your right hand on the nabhi chakra and left hand, palm open, towards the meditation photo and see if you can feel the petals of the nabhi chakra opening.

For even better results, try the footspa as well for about a week using dead sea salt. Do the footspa when you come home from work to get rid of stresses and tensions through the feet( a la reflexology). The dead sea salt is said to have a combination of minerals that gives it a therapeutic power, especially good for skin and hair. Someone at group meditation last week who used to live near the dead sea said that they may be able to bring us some.

See you at group meditation tomorrow.

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