Monday, 11 July 2016

Why sitting on the ground can be good for you.

​Dear All,
The basis of success in many things could be due to just having a strong foundation.
If you experience any of the following conditions : not being able to quickly make a decision, not feeling in control of a situation, scattered thinking, feeling disconnected, lacking a sense of direction, or even just wanting more of the feeling of joy from life then focusing a little bit on the mooladhara chakra when you meditate can help with this.

As shown in the chart below the mooladhara is just below the spine and gives stability and grounding.
The best way to help the mooladhara is by learning to sit in 'sahaj asana' which is a comfortable cross-legged postion on the ground.​ If you can do this outside on the grass, it's even better.

​ Also when you meditate, once you can feel the coolness of the kundalini at the top of the head and you have mental silence, then focus on your connection to the ground(mother earth)​ . You may begin to get the sensation of the mooladhara. Some people have reported getting a fragrance of rose or sandalwood.

Try experimenting by saying out aloud the mantra 'OM', which is connected with the mooladhara. See whether you notice any effect.

Here is a 3 minute clip of an interview that gives proper understanding of methods of physical yoga, such as asanas.

See you at group meditation on Tuesday.

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