Monday, 25 July 2016

Only Connect. Everything else flows from this.

​Dear All,

One of the frequent experiences people often report once they start to feel the cool breeze sensation above the head, are the one too many lucky coincidences that they notice happening:

Somebody wanted to travel to a Seminar in India, but the cost of flights was too expensive. They forgot about it and a few days later they received a letter from the tax office. It was a tax refund. The cheque was for the exact amount of money needed for the flight.

Another person had a job interview for the role of project manager with a Lloyds of London Insurer. The interview went very well and they got the job. What was remarkable was that the person who was going to be their boss had a photo of Shri Mataji on his desk, having met her many years before.

Somebody else had refurbished the kitchen of their new house and was thinking  of going to IKEA or some other furniture shop to buy a dining table of the right size to fit into the space in the kitchen. As they came out of the front gate of their house in Wandsworth, a lorry drove by and something fell off the back. Yes. Correct . It was a dining table!

The lesson from all this is that sahaja yoga meditation doesn't only remove stress and make you more peaceful inside, but it can also have strange beneficial material effects also.

How is this happening? It is related to the connection of the kundalini that begins to establish at the sahasara chakra when you meditate regularly - see below - and may have something to do with being in the Flow.

See you at group meditation on Tuesday . If it's a hot day, I'll try and bring a bigger fan than the one last week :o).

Monday, 18 July 2016

You are your own master.

​Dear All,

There are 3 'skills' you should try and achieve from your meditation. Once you get these, then you can guide yourself and teach your friends. It's like learning to drive a car. Once you know how to drive, you could drive to Rome for a holiday and take some passengers.
The 3 skills are:
  • Being able to get into 'thoughtless awareness' ('mental silence' meditation) for at least a few seconds at a time.
  • Being able to feel 'vibes' ('6th sense') and using it to find out what's cool (literally) and what's not.
  • Being able to nourish yourself on 'vibes' . There's food, drink and sleep, and then there's vibes.
These skills you may already have or can quickly get by coming to the group meditation session whenever you can make it. Below is 5 minute exercise, which you can even do at home or work , to increase your guru tattwa.

This guru tattwa  is what gives you mental peace and balance in any situation. It's known as the principal of self-mastery.

Here's the exercise:

Sit comfortably, upright. Go into meditation - focus attention at top of your head. Now spread your right palm over your stomach and repeat the silent affirmation ' I am my own master' 10x .

(The stomach area is known as the 'Void' and is the circle around the nabhi chakra formed by the movement of the swadisthana chakra - see diagram below).

This can be a psychological booster that helps re-affirm your selfhood and self-determination; especially if you've been taking orders all day at work or feeling a loss of control in a situation.

See you at group meditation tomorrow.

Monday, 11 July 2016

Why sitting on the ground can be good for you.

​Dear All,
The basis of success in many things could be due to just having a strong foundation.
If you experience any of the following conditions : not being able to quickly make a decision, not feeling in control of a situation, scattered thinking, feeling disconnected, lacking a sense of direction, or even just wanting more of the feeling of joy from life then focusing a little bit on the mooladhara chakra when you meditate can help with this.

As shown in the chart below the mooladhara is just below the spine and gives stability and grounding.
The best way to help the mooladhara is by learning to sit in 'sahaj asana' which is a comfortable cross-legged postion on the ground.​ If you can do this outside on the grass, it's even better.

​ Also when you meditate, once you can feel the coolness of the kundalini at the top of the head and you have mental silence, then focus on your connection to the ground(mother earth)​ . You may begin to get the sensation of the mooladhara. Some people have reported getting a fragrance of rose or sandalwood.

Try experimenting by saying out aloud the mantra 'OM', which is connected with the mooladhara. See whether you notice any effect.

Here is a 3 minute clip of an interview that gives proper understanding of methods of physical yoga, such as asanas.

See you at group meditation on Tuesday.

Monday, 4 July 2016

How to stop worrying.

​Dear All,

If you have any worries about money, job, housing, relationships or anything else, you're not alone, according to this New York Times article. Here's what you can do to help yourself now that you're learning how to meditate.
First of all, check out the chart of your swadisthana chakra below. Worrying is something you may think your head is doing, but it's actually coming from the 2nd chakra, the swadisthana which controls your liver near your right hip.

To stop the worrying, go into meditation : close your eyes and focus attention at top of head. With right palm open on your lap(towards meditation photo) , place your left palm over right hip/lower stomach. Keep left hand there until feeling of coolness on head increases.

Some people use a small ice-pack (from fridge) covered in a tea-towel, instead of the left palm, to cool the liver down faster.

Other methods you can try, include doing the above while listening to this swadisthana mp3 or watching this 6 minute demo: cure for excessive thinking.

​ When you achieve a few minutes or longer of thoughtless awareness in your meditation from your swadisthana being soothed down, then the thoughtless awareness itself seems to produce a solution to the thing that was worrying you.

Try it and see.

See you at group meditation on Tuesday.