Monday, 7 March 2016

Enjoying the fruits of your chakras - free mp3 download.

​Dear All,

Below are links to download 2 free meditation mp3s on to your phone which you can use for a short meditation while travelling to or from work, or during your lunch break.

The first mp3 is a meditation that uses mantras as keys to each of the chakras to unlock the particular qualities of the chakra.

For example :
If you want to experience the real innocent joy that everybody is capable of then you can use the mantra for the first chakra, the mooladhara.

If you do any kind of creative work, then to draw on the energy of creativity you can meditate on the swadisthana chakra using the related mantra.

If your material well-being could be improved, then put your attention to nabhi chakra when you meditate and use the mantra for the nabhi.

As with everything in sahaja yoga meditation the usefulness of any of this lies in trying it out and seeing what result you get, which is expressed as an increased feeling of vibes.

This previous email gives a good over-view of chakras and related mantras which you can take a look at before listening to the mp3:  What's that tingling in my fingers?

The second mp3 is Shri Mataji giving what are called 'bija' or seed mantras for each of the chakras. The Kundalini actually travels up through the subtle body in a spiral path, touching each sub-petal of the chakras to make a subtle sound, which are the basic units of sound of the sanskrit alphabet.  This could be why the use of  'awakened' sanskrit mantras (from awakened kundalini) has the power to 'touch' the chakras.

Here are the links. Experiment and see what positive effect you get.

See you at group meditation on Tuesday.

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