Friday, 25 March 2016

Stop worrying and things will work out just fine.

​Dear All,

Here's a little story about your Swadisthana chakra and the part it has to play in helping you to stop worrying about things; and getting an inner peace which is actually dynamic in it's effect.

It could be that you have no worries about anything. In which case, you may be part of the 15% of those surveyed in a UK poll in April 2015 who claimed that, while 62% of the population weren't sleeping well at night because of worries about money, family and health, they were sleeping as snug as a bug in a rug.

Below are the poll results taken from

We worry because we think too much. Most of the thinking in general is non-productive, which is termed 'rumination' (see below). Rumination is also the term given to the process by which cows and certain other four-legged mammals burp up from their stomach the grass that they chewed and swallowed earlier and chew it a second time. Which is a good illustration of what we do when we ruminate.

Rumination - excessive and unnecessary thinking,worry -  is a tax on the liver because part of the function of the organ of the liver is to supply energy for brain function ie. thinking. If the liver is over-taxed by excessive thinking/worry then, like anything that is over-used, it may stop functioning properly. When the liver stops functioning properly then it's ability to convert blood sugar(glucose) into energy(glycogen) could be affected. This is what diabetes is and that is why in sahaja yoga knowledge a link is made between the swadisthana chakra, which is the 'power generator' for the liver, and the increasing prevalence of type 2 diabetes in the general population(see below). People could be literally worrying themselves sick.

When the kundalini is awakened and nurtured through your daily 5-10minutes sahaja yoga meditation, then it's like a direct tap into a national electricity grid: the supply of a energy(subtle/vibes) becomes potentially unlimited The chakras , in this case the swadisthana chakra, is boosted by this and the liver is helped.

The uniqueness of sahaja yoga meditation is that it counteracts ruminative thinking because it develops in you the state of 'thoughtless awareness' ('nirvicharita'). It is this state which, in human evolution terms according to sahaja yoga, is both vital for the preservation of the species and is where everybody or most of humanity is headed - they just don't know it yet :o) .

The fact that you are practising sahaja yoga meditation to get into nirvicharita now when in future it may not be necessary because we'll all just be in it automatically, may be because in Nature all mass phenomena has to start from somewhere, small.

The gap between our current human awareness based on thinking and nirvicharita could be as wide as the aesthetic difference between early primitive art such as the cave drawings of hunter/gatherers and the artistic production of a Rembrandt, a Rodin or a Beethoven. The inconceivable becomes conceivable.

To discover for yourself how nirvicharita benefits you if you have a tendency to worry about things or think too much then try this:

  • -Raise you kundalini and put on a bandhan ( you can do this mentally if you're in a public space).
  • -Focus on the top of your head until you can feel the sensation - ideally a cool breeze - of the kundalini there.
  • -Now shift your attention to your right hip area(right swadisthana - source of thinking) while still remaining aware of the top of your head. Are you feeling any sensation on the right hip/groin?
  • -Hold it and see whether you're getting the sensation of vibes coming into the right swadisthana. The right hip/groin area should start to feel lighter and you'll notice that you can stop thinking at will. This is the nirvicharita.
Now bring the focus of your attention completely back to the crown of your head.
Recall the matter that is worrying you and put it into nirvicharita.
Again the sense of anxiety comes up, put it again into nirvicharita.
Do this repeatedly until the matter 'dissolves' and has no effect on your meditative poise, your inner peace in this moment. There! The fear or anxiety that sustains the worry is conquered.

With the detachment that comes from the sense of inner peace you get from the meditation, witness, in the following days, what happens along the lines of your former worry. This is the working of 'Paramchaitanya': action from non-action or 'wu wei'.

As you know, all the chakras are encoded on the hands. The swadisthana chakra is indicated on the thumbs(see chart below). In this 6 minute clip, Shri Mataji demonstrates how to clear the right swadisthana chakra by working on the right thumb and on the liver: Cure for excessive thinking

See you at group meditation on Tuesday.

Diabetes: ticking time bomb for the NHS?

Friday, 11 March 2016

Using your vibes to solve problems.

Dear All,

At last week's group meditation we reminded ourselves of a simple, practical use of vibes to help solve any problems we may have, which works best when the kundalini has made a connection for us at the crown of the head after a session of meditation.

This is called 'giving something a bandhan' and only really works if you meditate regularly. Congratulations if you got a result from the collective bandhaning we did last Tuesday. If you didn't get a result, then here's a quick description of how you give a bandhan so that you can give it another go at home.

You could try it now; it only takes 2 minutes.

Sit comfortably. Close your eyes and put your attention to the crown of the head and try and go thoughtless for a moment. Open your eyes and symbolically write down in your left palm what the issue or problem is and move your right hand in a circle over the left palm. Does the left palm go cool? You can finish by closing your eyes and going into thoughtless awareness again for a moment. Forget about the matter and see what happens.

By the way, this doesn't work for winning the national lottery. People have tried :o). Although it's interesting how many people have managed to get out of a fix, financial or otherwise, by giving a bandhan after their meditation.

And of course you can help others with a bandhan. Take a look at this related previous email: 'Power in your hands - action at a distance'.

Also try and check this previous email out as well : 'Did you rub my lamp? - your genie, the paramchaitanya'

If any of this seems or sounds strange, then it won't be after you've had your own experiences. In the ancient text on kundalini, Shri Lalita Sahasranama ('1000 names of the Goddess'), one of the sanskrit names given is 'purusartha pradayini' - 'She grants you the fulfillment of the four goals of life' . These are 'artha' - wealth; 'dharma' - fulfilling your potential or what you were meant for, 'kama' - pleasure; 'moksha' - spiritual liberation. In practice and reality, all this comes in one parcel as a unified experience that could be different from the common conception of what these are.

Here's a demo of giving a bandhan: 1 minute bandhan.

See you at group meditation on Tuesday.

Monday, 7 March 2016

Enjoying the fruits of your chakras - free mp3 download.

​Dear All,

Below are links to download 2 free meditation mp3s on to your phone which you can use for a short meditation while travelling to or from work, or during your lunch break.

The first mp3 is a meditation that uses mantras as keys to each of the chakras to unlock the particular qualities of the chakra.

For example :
If you want to experience the real innocent joy that everybody is capable of then you can use the mantra for the first chakra, the mooladhara.

If you do any kind of creative work, then to draw on the energy of creativity you can meditate on the swadisthana chakra using the related mantra.

If your material well-being could be improved, then put your attention to nabhi chakra when you meditate and use the mantra for the nabhi.

As with everything in sahaja yoga meditation the usefulness of any of this lies in trying it out and seeing what result you get, which is expressed as an increased feeling of vibes.

This previous email gives a good over-view of chakras and related mantras which you can take a look at before listening to the mp3:  What's that tingling in my fingers?

The second mp3 is Shri Mataji giving what are called 'bija' or seed mantras for each of the chakras. The Kundalini actually travels up through the subtle body in a spiral path, touching each sub-petal of the chakras to make a subtle sound, which are the basic units of sound of the sanskrit alphabet.  This could be why the use of  'awakened' sanskrit mantras (from awakened kundalini) has the power to 'touch' the chakras.

Here are the links. Experiment and see what positive effect you get.

See you at group meditation on Tuesday.