Sunday, 14 February 2016

Working it: work that (subtle) body!

​Dear All,

If you're managing to slip in a few minutes of paying attention to the top of your head and getting a few moments of thoughtless awareness, a couple of times a day, you'll appreciate the immediate lift this gives you. A lift to both your mood and energy.

'Doing a little bit often and whenever' in this way, is how you can also learn to 'read' the state of your subtle system. At any time you wish, you can know whether you're in balance or more left-sided or right-sided, and which of your chakras are 'catching'. This is part of the introspection, not mental but on vibes, that gradually leads to a better understanding of vibes and therefore leads to becoming your own master.

As your own master, you'll know what sahaja yoga tool/technique to use and when to use them to improve your state. Over a period of time, you'll begin to experience an all-round sense of well-being without having to do much. It's interesting how people's lives change with this and it could be a case of : 'if you feel good about yourself, then good stuff happens to you'

Here are a few examples of the use of introspection.

Hot & bothered after a hard day at work? It could be a combination of nabhi and swadisthana chakra catches. Use a cold water, salt foot-spa when you get home.

Feeling worried or insecure about something? If it's emotional, then there may be a catch on centre heart chakra. To treat it, hold left-hand palm open towards photo(drawing vibes ), place right hand on centre-heart chakra(centre of chest), close your eyes and see
whether you can feel the chakra at top of head (sahasrara/crown chakra) begin to open out.

If it's a 'nabhi problem'(any worry to do with household, job, money etc.), then keep left palm open and place right hand over navel/nabhi chakra and again see whether you can feel sahasrara chakra open up.

However you're feeling, whatever the situation or circumstances that you'd like to change/improve, you can do something about it straightaway.  It's just a case of experimenting to see what immediately changes the vibes you're feeling on the hands and above the head.

The vibes are the reality and not the mental projection. The more you experiment, the more confident you'll be in this special knowledge that can only be gained by experiencing. The power to change things is literally in your hands!

Here's a 9 minute guide to handling your left and right channels: Treating mental, emotional and stress

See you at group meditation on Tuesday.

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