Sunday, 29 November 2015

May the Force be with You!

                                with Argentinian ladies Buenos Aires 1994
​Dear All,
On 17th December the new Star Wars movie, 'The Force Awakens' is released in the UK and if you go and see it, consider this while you're taking in  the action on screen and munching your popcorn:

You may have a touch of the Jedi Knight in you :o)

When you first discover Sahaja yoga meditation and experience the awakening  of the Kundalini energy as a subtle cool breeze above the head, this represents just a few strands of a massive force of energy.
The reason just a few strands come up is because the opening out of the chakras is very little in the beginning. With regular meditation the state of the chakras are improved(cleaned) and more strands of the Kundalini energy can pass through.

With this you achieve a deeper, more enjoyable meditation; you can feel the vibes; you become a more relaxed and peaceful person; you can solve your problems easily; you become better off financially; you can cure yourself ; you can cure other people (unintentionally). And all this from still a relatively small number of strands of Kundalini rising in you.

So just imagine if you could somehow get more of the energy to come up.

Progress in sahaja yoga meditation is not measured by the amount of 'knowledge' you gain (and there's a lot of it), but by how much more of the energetic force of the Kundalini comes up within you and the effects of that.

To get more strands of Kundalini rising, a little bit of desire has to be put into the meditation practice ie. meditate 'with intent' . This can be done by verbalising the desire eg by saying  a few times, 'Mother Kundalini, please rise', which acts like an affirmation. The photo is tremendous help as a target.

If you then begin to achieve the results of that, then your effects go beyond just yourself but extends wider , as explained in this 2-minute talk: Effects of going deeper in sahaja yoga meditation - Sydney, Australia 1987

May the force be with you!

See you at group meditation on Tuesday


Related previous emails:

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