Sunday, 29 November 2015

May the Force be with You!

                                with Argentinian ladies Buenos Aires 1994
​Dear All,
On 17th December the new Star Wars movie, 'The Force Awakens' is released in the UK and if you go and see it, consider this while you're taking in  the action on screen and munching your popcorn:

You may have a touch of the Jedi Knight in you :o)

When you first discover Sahaja yoga meditation and experience the awakening  of the Kundalini energy as a subtle cool breeze above the head, this represents just a few strands of a massive force of energy.
The reason just a few strands come up is because the opening out of the chakras is very little in the beginning. With regular meditation the state of the chakras are improved(cleaned) and more strands of the Kundalini energy can pass through.

With this you achieve a deeper, more enjoyable meditation; you can feel the vibes; you become a more relaxed and peaceful person; you can solve your problems easily; you become better off financially; you can cure yourself ; you can cure other people (unintentionally). And all this from still a relatively small number of strands of Kundalini rising in you.

So just imagine if you could somehow get more of the energy to come up.

Progress in sahaja yoga meditation is not measured by the amount of 'knowledge' you gain (and there's a lot of it), but by how much more of the energetic force of the Kundalini comes up within you and the effects of that.

To get more strands of Kundalini rising, a little bit of desire has to be put into the meditation practice ie. meditate 'with intent' . This can be done by verbalising the desire eg by saying  a few times, 'Mother Kundalini, please rise', which acts like an affirmation. The photo is tremendous help as a target.

If you then begin to achieve the results of that, then your effects go beyond just yourself but extends wider , as explained in this 2-minute talk: Effects of going deeper in sahaja yoga meditation - Sydney, Australia 1987

May the force be with you!

See you at group meditation on Tuesday


Related previous emails:

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

What scent does your meditation have?

​Dear All,
What scent does your meditation have? How can scent give you a deeper meditation?

Some sahaja yogis have mentioned that when they first had the experience of their kundalini awakening, it was accompanied by either a scent of roses or of sandalwood. When they looked around to see where the scent was coming from, there was nothing there and they realised that the scent seemed to be coming from within themselves.

It turns out that those most likely to get this experience have a very good mooladhara chakra because it's the mooladhara chakra that relates to scent. Even if you don't recall this experience with scent, a touch of diluted sandalwood or rose oil applied to the center of the crown of the head can add a subtle and pleasant extra feeling to your meditation.

The photo above was taken in 1994 in Tunis, the capital of Tunisia in Arab north Africa when Shri Mataji gave presents of vials of natural perfume (alcohol-free) or Ittar, to a group of arabic ladies who came to see her.

Interestingly, the region of the world most associated with the development of perfume is Arabia. And even today, if you get a chance to wander through the old souks of Bahrain, Dubai or any of the Arabic Gulf states, what is most likely to attract your attention is the waft of the scent of oud .

If you can get some arabic fragrance then these tend to be the best as an aid to meditation. Also if you tend to do a lot of concentrated work at the computer screen, which can affect the agnya chakra at forehead, then applying an invisible dab of sandalwood oil on the center of the forehead before you leave the house can soothe down the agnya.

Today's 6-minute video clip is about the mechanism of the Kundalini within you: 'Sacred Technology'.

See you at group meditation on Tuesday.

Related previous email : Getting to the next level

Monday, 16 November 2015

How you can go with the flow and succeed.

​Dear All,
In last week's email about how your meditation helps you to overcome stress, mention was made of a concept from Chinese philosophy called 'Wu wei' (无为).

This has been variously translated as: 'going with the flow' , 'success without action', 'non-doing'. Since this concept is central to understanding how your practice of sahaja yoga meditation begins to seep into your day-to-day life and can begin to reward you in some very interesting ways, it's useful to know more.
The idea of wu wei is specifically found in Taoist philosophy, founded by Lao Tzu  who is quoted as saying:

"Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished"
Shri Mataji uses the term: ' Ritambara pragnya' which could be translated as the 'enlightened knowledge/intelligence of Mother Nature'.
When you got your kundalini awakening, felt as a cool breeze above the head, this was your connection to Ritambara Pragnya. The cultivation of this connection is through your daily 10-minute meditation.
Although the most visible expression of Ritambara Pragnya is the changing seasons: Autumn, Winter, Spring and Summer, it is much more than that. As Lao Tzu remarked,  this 'Tao' is in fact the Mother of existence itself. With the kundalini awakening it's as if you become a child of that.
Here is how this sometimes manifests:

You're looking for something; suddenly you find it. You're thinking of somebody; suddenly they give you a call. You're running late to the airport; news comes through that there is a flight delay. You're stuck somewhere; something happens and you're unstuck.
These and many other examples of the working of Ritambara Pragnya is the common experience of many sahaja yogis and if it hasn't started happening to you yet, it soon will. Just be more regular in your meditation and use the photo.
On the subject of the photo, the chinese sahaja yogis, who have a culture as ancient as the indians, tell us that Shri Mataji is the embodiment of Guan Yin .

See you at group meditation on Tuesday.

Sunday, 8 November 2015

How you can overcome stress and enjoy positive change.

Dear all,
Dealing with stress is a big problem for many because it seems we're living in an increasingly stressful world, which may sometimes feel like being tied to a runaway horse.  The stress may be due to work pressure, financial pressure or being stuck in a rut in your life without any idea how to make a positive change.
Stress may have been a good thing in our evolutionary past when it provided us with a shot of adrenaline to either fight the sabre-tooth tiger or run away as fast as we could. The 'fight or flight' instinct is still with us. However, in modern, civilized life, when faced with a stressful situation, we are unable to act on the 'fight or flight' urge so it's like being dressed for the party but with no where to go.
With all that useless adrenaline giving us a feeling of emergency all the time, this can begin to have a bad effect on mental, emotional and physical health. This is what the science says(see notes). Unfortunately, science is unable to provide a definitive solution to stress. Some people self-medicate and turn to alcohol amongst other things(see notes).
With the deeper understanding about yourself that your daily 10-minute sahaja yoga meditation gives you, it's possible to see for yourself that stress, as with other aspects of your life, all begins in the mind.
Although what's happening to you may seem real enough, it's your mind's reaction to it that forms your experience of the situation. If your reaction were different, your experience would be different. Sometimes, a change in perspective or seeing a situation differently is sufficient to provide a solution or relief from stress.
But how about no reaction at all.
On the sahaja yoga subtle system chart(below) you'll see that activity on the left and the right channels produce exhaust that fill out the balloons of the super-ego and ego in the brain. It's the super-ego and ego that form the mind. But super-ego and ego are plastic because they change all the time based on reactions to the environment. So the mind is not real.
When you meditate, your kundalini rises up the central channel taking your awareness through a passage way between ego and super-ego. So with regular practice of meditation your awareness is increasingly able to enter a state of 'no-mind'* or 'thoughtless awareness'. There's no reaction**.
The effect of entering that state even for a few seconds or a few minutes can be powerful. Stuff happens. You are the captain of your ship.
As the effects of your meditation begin to seep into your day-to-day life then stress won't be a problem and you can positively change things by overcoming your mental limitations.
See you at group meditation on Tuesday.


* 'No Mind' -  also described as 'mental silence', which makes sahaja yoga meditation quite different, and in fact , opposite of mindfulness.
 ** No Reaction : the awakened kundalini can completely simplify and make effortlessly achieveable in a very short time certain ways of being talked about in Zen and Chinese philosophy eg. Wu wei 无为 or 'Going with the Flow' as the basis of success in everything.
Both alcohol and substance abuse are implicated in a new study by husband and wife Princeton University economists , Angus Deaton and Anne Case and reported in New York Times Nov. 2, 2015.

Monday, 2 November 2015

Curing yourself with 'vibrated' water

Dear All,

If you've reached the stage in your meditation practice where you regularly feel the flow of vibes through your hands, then you can make use of this in some interesting ways, which you may already be familiar with from our weekly group meditation sessions.
This includes raising another person's kundalini and giving a bandhan to solve a personal problem or to help a friend in need (see a previous email : 'Power in the Hands - action at a distance') . Another very beneficial use of your vibes is to 'charge' water with it and drink the 'vibrated' water everyday.This has been known to cure an 'overactive' liver which is related to how relatively peaceful you feel most of the time, as well as the health of your skin.
To vibrate water, simply hold the palm of the right hand over a glass of water for a few moments, keeping the attention at the crown of the head. The hand channels the vibes into the water. Some people also stand a glass of water near the photo used for meditation, for a little while. The photo emits vibes some of which is absorbed into the water.
Clearly, there's no visible difference in appearance between an ordinary glass of water and vibrated water. The difference is in effect . See : Research on the effect of vibrations on water .
For any of you with a vegetable allotment or if you grow house plants/flowers, some experiments have been done which show the effects of vibrated water on crop/plant yield and you could experiment yourself. See: Effects of vibrated water on crop yield (1 min) . This is taken from a Press Conference & Scientific Discussion, Mumbai, India 13/01/1990.
 See you at group meditation on Tuesday.