Monday, 3 August 2015

Nourishing yourself through your meditation - The Five Nectars

Dear All,
At the end of this email there's a simple recipe for easily making a nourishing milk,honey and yogurt-based  ayurvedic drink called 'panch-amrit' ('5 nectars').
According to Ayurveda (traditional indian medicine), we are what we eat. Literally. The different foods we eat are broken down in digestion and the resulting nutrients are used by the body to replace and maintain different parts of our physiology - skin, hair, bones, blood etc.
The nutrients can be graded and the highest grade of nutrients go to form the body's most vital essence, 'Ojas' , on which a person's energy of life, magnetism and reproductive health depend . The 'panchamrit' is said to build up the Ojas.
As nourishing as the pancamrit may be however, it is a symbolic representation of what the subtle body produces naturally in sahaja yoga(kundalini) meditation.
In an ancient text about the kundalini, 'The Lalita Sahasranama', this internal subtle mechanics of the  body is described in the following simple way in verse 106.

* 106 * Sudha sarabhi varshini - She who makes nectar flow in all our nerves from sahasrara i.e. she who gives the very pleasant experience of the ultimate 
 'Sudha' in sanskrit means nectar or 'Amrit'( ambrosia ) . The first two images at top are depictions of the Greek Goddess Hebe , the bearer of the pot of nectar. The third image is of Mohini , the Indian equivalent.

When kundalini reaches the sahasrara chakra at top of head and you're in thoughtless awareness state you may begin to  feel a pleasant sensation of vibes flowing from the top of the head, down the sides of your face and then down into your body.  This is the 'Sudha'/Vibrations and how it's broken down and begins to transform your appearance is described here: How effects of meditation can show on the face.
At the group meditation last Tuesday, we rounded off the meditation by bringing the fingers of the right hand together and then pressing the fingertips into the navel/nabhi chakra in the stomach. By doing this we could begin to feel the flow of sudha from the top of the head into the nabhi. Since the nabhi chakra looks after our nourishment and well-being, if you are able to do this regularly  in your meditation at home, then you may begin to see and feel how your meditation is nourishing you.
Incidentally, the power of all your chakras can be improved, in a similar way, by putting your attention on any chakra you wish and letting the vibrations flow into it at the end of your meditation.

Here's the Recipe for Panchamrit: Panchamrut Recipe Benefits and History . Of course, you can make a much larger quantity than that shown in the video clip, by using more of the ingredients in a larger vessel and keeping the relative proportions of the ingredients the same. Once you have prepared it (in silver/china/glass bowl - never in plastic), you can leave it in front of your meditation photo for about 15 minutes so that the panchamrit becomes vibrated. Then drink or store in fridge. It's best digested on an empty stomach, so best time is first thing in the morning or before you go to bed at night.
If you have any questions about making the panchamrit feel free to email me back.

See you at Group Meditation on Tuesday.

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