Monday, 31 August 2020

Money & Meditation : The Surprising Thing That Happens To You.

 Below:  1. Grounding - restoring yourself by connecting with Earth.   2. Chakra cleansing - Your Free E-book .   3. Money & meditation - your nabhi chakra.

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Join the online Monday evening group meditation that begins at 7:30pm  and if you miss it, there's a live, internationally-hosted meditation straight to your phone every weekday at 7pm here .  

" ...we live in the future or in the past, never in the present. If I say come to your present, you cannot come. It’s very difficult for you to come to your present. So what’s the reason is that we are thinking of the future and the past. One thought rises and falls down. Another thought rises and falls down. In between these thoughts there is this vilumba [check spelling], is what we call the present. When the Kundalini rises, she elongates the thoughts and this space increases and you become thoughtlessly aware, thoughtlessly aware. You become, again I say you become. There are no thoughts, but you are absolutely aware which is also described by Jung that after realization you become thoughtlessly aware. That is the time you are absolutely at peace with yourself and with everything else. That’s the time you are peaceful in the real sense of the word." Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Friday Oct 15th 1993, Public Program, Philadelphia(USA).

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Tuesday, 25 August 2020

How To Think From Your Heart To Get What You Wish For.


Below:  1. Designed by a master artist - 'You are beautifully made'.  2. The benefits of keeping houseplants.  3. Your heart rules your head: How to think with the heart.

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Join the online Monday evening group meditation that begins at 7:30pm  and if you miss it, there's a live, internationally-hosted meditation straight to your phone every weekday at 7pm here .  

"Main thing is your connection with the Divine, is only possible when you meditate and become thoughtlessly aware. That’s the point where Divine works, it helps you. It comes to your help in such way that you don’t know how you have achieved it. So thoughtless awareness is the first point all of you should achieve. Very important. After that, we can achieve something else, but the first step is thoughtless awareness.
It’s very important to become thoughtlessly aware because then there are no thoughts coming from the left or right, from the (past) or the future. Just in the present you are there. It’s something you all have. It’s not that I’m saying that to you, but all of you have this, but steady yourself. You have to steady yourself at thoughtless awareness. How long – that’s not the point. The point is once you’ve touched it, you’ll go on touching it." Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, 'The Importance of meditation' , 3 November 2002, Lake Piru, Los Angeles(USA).

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Monday, 17 August 2020

How To Calm Down An Angry Person Without Saying Anything.

Below:  1. If you own a pearl necklace, it helps your crown chakra. Be cautious with blue sapphire. Here are other gemstones and what chakras they're connected to.    2. The universe wants to look after you, if you'll allow Her.    3. How to maintain your cool - a guided meditation.

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Join the online Monday evening group meditation that begins at 7:30pm  and if you miss it, there's a live, internationally-hosted meditation straight to your phone every weekday at 7pm here .  


"The subject itself says that it is the evolution of man from amoeba to this stage of creation in one part and the second is what is going to happen to be him after. So what has happened from creation we shall hear today and what is going to happen after today. The part of it which I am going to tell you today maybe is not yet known to many people.The part of it which I am going to tell you later on is known to our science.But is not yet being felt at the subtler level what it has done to us. So the attitude should be about this is when I’m talking about something which is not yet known about creation and then about the future of your being, attitude should be of more listening to me."   Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, 'The Creation of The World' Lecture, Saturday November 29th 1980, Paris (France).

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Monday, 10 August 2020

Here's Why The Present Times Are Important.


Below:  1. 'Drinking the Moon' for your health and vitality (guided meditation).   2. Reasons why including olives in your diet is good for you.   3. Here's why the present times are important.

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Join the online Monday evening group meditation that begins at 7:30pm  and if you miss it, there's a live, internationally-hosted meditation straight to your phone every weekday at 7pm here .  

" He has already explained to you about what you see here in this picture, about the Kundalini. I’ve come here to tell you about your own great heritage. You know you are born in this great country of Greece where there have been great philosophers but beyond that there have been Gods and Goddesses. Out of them the one which we called as Athena by who this place is called as Athens, this city is called as Athens, is the greatest Goddess. Somehow you all have lost the heritage that you had but this Athena was the Goddess which was worshipped also in India and today also She is worshipped because we have not lost out heritage yet. The British ruled us for 300 years but we all thought their culture was very superficial and we never took them seriously. Because of our wisdom, we could see that these incarnations that we had are eternal in nature. So “atha” in the Sanskrit language means “primordial” and “Athena” means the Goddess who was primordial, the Mother who was Primordial. We called Her “Adi Shakti” because “Adi” means also the “primordial”. Then She went into three forms..." Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Wednesday, April 28th, 1993, Public Program, Athens (Greece).

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Monday, 3 August 2020

How To Calm Your Mind By Calming Your Belly.

Below:  1. Healing power of Indian music.   2. Being in the right place at the right time.  3. Looking after your belly.

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Join the online Monday evening group meditation that begins at 7:30pm  and if you miss it, there's a live, internationally-hosted meditation straight to your phone every weekday at 7pm here .  


"...the Paramachaitanya [ all-pervading energy of existence] looks after us every minute, and that’s how things work out. There’s so many instances of this kind of thing. But if your faith is wavering, if you are frightened, then you have to a little bit understand that you are not to be frightened. Things have worked out." Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Wednesday, December 12th 1990, Shrirampur (India).

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