Below: 1. Grounding - restoring yourself by connecting with Earth. 2. Chakra cleansing - Your Free E-book . 3. Money & meditation - your nabhi chakra.
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" ...we live in the future or in the past, never in the present. If I say come to your present, you cannot come. It’s very difficult for you to come to your present. So what’s the reason is that we are thinking of the future and the past. One thought rises and falls down. Another thought rises and falls down. In between these thoughts there is this vilumba [check spelling], is what we call the present. When the Kundalini rises, she elongates the thoughts and this space increases and you become thoughtlessly aware, thoughtlessly aware. You become, again I say you become. There are no thoughts, but you are absolutely aware which is also described by Jung that after realization you become thoughtlessly aware. That is the time you are absolutely at peace with yourself and with everything else. That’s the time you are peaceful in the real sense of the word." Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Friday Oct 15th 1993, Public Program, Philadelphia(USA).
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