Tuesday, 22 May 2018

Why The Future Looks Bright.

Dear All,

Below are 3 books recommended for your summer reading list. They shine a positive light into 3 challenges society is currently facing, which are 1. increasing incidence of anxiety and depression  2.healthcare provision for an ageing demographic  3. economic displacement caused by technology.

The books lends support to a 2000 year old prediction about en masse kundalini-awakening(sahaja yoga), which is that through this human beings will no longer get sick or old ; will exist in a state of 'bliss-consciousness'('nirvikalpa samadhi') and society will be in harmony and at peace with itself with everybody spending time doing what fulfils them.

Utopia? Yep. And another book on the bestsellar list is entitled Utopia for Realists(Rutger Bregman) which is about Universal Basic Income(UBI) or Free Money For All!

Check out the recommended 3 below:
​See you at group meditation tomorrow.


Tuesday, 1 May 2018

Meditate: Just doing It - Some 'Shaktis' Sharing Experiences

Dear All,
Nothing succeeds like success and the gap between aspiring to do something and just doing it is a mile wide and can be very difficult to cross.

There's a phrase used in the entrepreneurial, start-up community in Silicon Valley, California and it is : "Fail Fast" . Which, to translate , means : If you have aspirations to achieve something you consider important, then don't wait for all your ducks to be lined up, start now - you can learn from your mistakes and improve along the way.

The same applies to your meditation practice : 'Just do it '. It really can transform things for you. Here's Shia LaBeouf, the Hollywood 'bad boy'  (over) emphasising the point... or better still, take your inspiration from the short interviews below with 4 'Shaktis' ( Kundalini as feminine energy/power in both men and women, but stronger in women).

Sofia - group meditation powerful                                       
See you at group meditation tomorrow.